No one knows for sure... what you need to realise is that these "within X blocks" things are ESTIMATES ONLY! (based on the network conditions/average fees AT THAT TIME)
There is ZERO guarantee that if you select 1 block, that it will only take one block... it could be that 100,000 people send transactions 1 minute after yours with fees that are all higher... your transaction gets bumped to the bottom of the fee size pile, you end up waiting 2 days.
All you do by increasing the fee, is increase the odds of getting a faster confirmation than if you set a lower fee.
As every says ALL the time... check here: and here: and then set your fee RATE accordingly.
Remember it has NOTHING to do with the $ value or the total value of your fee... it is the RATE (satoshis/byte or BTC/kB) that will likely determine how soon your transaction is picked up. For example, 10000 byte transaction with 10 sats/byte fee = 100,000 satoshi fee (0.001 btc)... will likely take a LOT longer than a 226 byte transaction with 300 sats/byte fee = 67,800 satoshi total fee (0.000678 btc)
Turn off dynamic fees and set your fee manually at your own risk.