Jr. Member
Activity: 322
Merit: 1
February 01, 2018, 02:45:18 PM |
For which mobile OS you planning to make an application? Standart couple iOS and Bugdroid? Or maybe some exotic platforms? Blackberry, Wilndows Mobile etc
Development is expensive, so they should do it only for popular platforms. All market are use iOS and "Bugdroid", so developing for WP is no point, Microsoft close the support of this OS, i don't know about blackberry.
Jr. Member
Activity: 364
Merit: 1
February 01, 2018, 04:42:35 PM |
what is the essence of the project?to show people that online trade and online casinos safe?or that people can play contests and win real money without leaving home?

Activity: 434
Merit: 10
February 01, 2018, 04:52:33 PM |
what is the essence of the project?to show people that online trade and online casinos safe?or that people can play contests and win real money without leaving home?
Hm, essence of any project is getting money, this isn't exception. Developers gets money. Essence for us - be like a trader and get some money if you are good and maybe quite lucky trader.
Activity: 25
Merit: 0
February 01, 2018, 05:06:57 PM |
What type of portfolio you will provide? I mean I can trade only shares? What amount of virtual money I can use? I want details... Project is very original, never saw something like that.
Jr. Member
Activity: 218
Merit: 1
February 01, 2018, 05:22:52 PM |
when creating a portfolio it is said that you need to distribute your virtual capital assets from the various classes will I be able to allocate your capital immediately several assets?if not why not?
Activity: 308
Merit: 0
February 01, 2018, 05:23:27 PM |
What type of portfolio you will provide? I mean I can trade only shares? What amount of virtual money I can use? I want details... Project is very original, never saw something like that.
You can test platform even now, somewhere there is located link to website. For are now available next assets: shares, currencies, cryptocurrencies, and raw materials(like wood, gold e.g. but also like coffe and cocao). You can use $100k for each portfolio.
Jr. Member
Activity: 364
Merit: 1
February 01, 2018, 05:40:39 PM |
the whitepaper says that users can create their own contests and invite your friends,how much is you can invite your friends to this contest?
Jr. Member
Activity: 112
Merit: 1
February 01, 2018, 05:47:21 PM |
when creating a portfolio it is said that you need to distribute your virtual capital assets from the various classes will I be able to allocate your capital immediately several assets?if not why not?
You create more than 1 portfolio per account, for each portfolio you can allocate your virtual money to more than 1 asset (or one if you want this). Any contest has it's own rules about what assets are allowed. I strongly advise to you try the platform, it free of charge.
Activity: 25
Merit: 0
February 01, 2018, 06:09:19 PM |
the whitepaper says that users can create their own contests and invite your friends,how much is you can invite your friends to this contest?
This function is under development and also it isn't described nowhere, so we just can't answer to you, maybe community manager will answer. Biggest contest that i saw was for 11 people. Maybe you can't do it for now because now is going contest for a 0.3 BTC and you could speculate by using multiaccount.
Jr. Member
Activity: 218
Merit: 1
February 01, 2018, 06:19:57 PM |
the whitepaper says that users can create their own contests and invite your friends,how much is you can invite your friends to this contest?
This function is under development and also it isn't described nowhere, so we just can't answer to you, maybe community manager will answer. Biggest contest that i saw was for 11 people. Maybe you can't do it for now because now is going contest for a 0.3 BTC and you could speculate by using multiaccount. There you are right, you can create contest for two people etc. but I want to know, when this contest will be over? Because i didn't find this information nowhere, i only can to guess that it will be over when token has been launched.
Copper Member
Jr. Member
Activity: 224
Merit: 4
February 01, 2018, 06:31:48 PM |
besides alpha turnamen, you can also follow many bounty campaign. good luck . Good luck ..
Jr. Member
Activity: 123
Merit: 1
February 01, 2018, 06:36:00 PM |
Should I own financial assets to create and participate in competitions? Or it is not necessary? and what is needed in order to create "financial assets" ? Or it only type of market that you can to invest?
Copper Member
Jr. Member
Activity: 224
Merit: 4
February 01, 2018, 08:03:11 PM |
For the future 
Full Member
Activity: 420
Merit: 106
February 01, 2018, 11:17:21 PM |
Should I own financial assets to create and participate in competitions? Or it is not necessary? and what is needed in order to create "financial assets" ? Or it only type of market that you can to invest?
Competitions for Alpha tournament is free of charge, you dont need any asset. You will create virtual portfolio for contest and compete versus other player. Objective is to reach best profit, you can invest on different market and value depend on contest you play / running. Every contest have different price pool, depend on entree fee of contest and number or player. Tournament objective is to reach maximum return on FundzToken, you will receive 10k FundzToken on platform for Alpha-Tournament to let you pay entree fee to participate in contest.
Copper Member
Jr. Member
Activity: 224
Merit: 4
February 02, 2018, 02:05:23 AM |
glad to be part of you to follow alpha tournament. Succes for all 
FundFantasy (OP)

Activity: 182
Merit: 10
February 02, 2018, 08:08:58 AM |
what is the essence of the project?to show people that online trade and online casinos safe?or that people can play contests and win real money without leaving home?
We recommend you to watch our explainer video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSPa7BR8Q1w&t=41s
Copper Member
Jr. Member
Activity: 224
Merit: 4
February 02, 2018, 08:41:42 AM |
what is the essence of the project?to show people that online trade and online casinos safe?or that people can play contests and win real money without leaving home?
We recommend you to watch our explainer video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSPa7BR8Q1w&t=41sI've watched the video, and it's very clear how the system and its provisions 

Activity: 434
Merit: 10
February 02, 2018, 09:23:57 AM |
I want to join alpha tournament but always like this I am using laptop but always show "/mobile" on addres bar  It's stupid Windows 10, i hate it. Try to find how configure browser to open full version of site.
Jr. Member
Activity: 322
Merit: 1
February 02, 2018, 09:57:54 AM |
I want to join alpha tournament but always like this I am using laptop but always show "/mobile" on addres bar It's stupid Windows 10, i hate it. Try to find how configure browser to open full version of site. Nope. It's site optimisation. Try to open this site in a half-size and you will be addressed to a mobile version that doesn't work yet. Try to change scale or aspect ratio, i don't know.
Jr. Member
Activity: 123
Merit: 1
February 02, 2018, 10:34:48 AM |
Do you already have any deal with private investors? Maybe you can tell us about this, it can stimulate public investors during ICO.