Hi there,
I am mining some FRC with bfgminer and a little USB miner on a p2pool. Bfgminer reports the following:
[2013-07-18 07:25:24] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
[2013-07-18 07:25:36] Accepted b704c0e2 ICA 0 Diff 1/1
[2013-07-18 07:25:47] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
[2013-07-18 07:25:49] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
[2013-07-18 07:26:00] Accepted 54fde90f ICA 0 Diff 3/1
[2013-07-18 07:26:12] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
[2013-07-18 07:26:20] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
[2013-07-18 07:26:22] Accepted 0da414ce ICA 0 Diff 18/1
[2013-07-18 07:26:23] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
[2013-07-18 07:26:32] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
[2013-07-18 07:26:34] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
[2013-07-18 07:26:36] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
[2013-07-18 07:26:39] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
[2013-07-18 07:26:40] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
[2013-07-18 07:26:59] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
[2013-07-18 07:27:03] Accepted 420e2feb ICA 0 Diff 3/1
[2013-07-18 07:27:06] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
[2013-07-18 07:27:13] Accepted af4bfe2e ICA 0 Diff 1/1
[2013-07-18 07:27:20] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
[2013-07-18 07:27:28] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
[2013-07-18 07:27:53] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
[2013-07-18 07:27:58] Accepted c47f63ab ICA 0 Diff 1/1
[2013-07-18 07:27:59] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
[2013-07-18 07:28:01] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
[2013-07-18 07:28:01] Rejected e5006553 ICA 0 Diff 1/1
[2013-07-18 07:28:02] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
[2013-07-18 07:28:11] Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update
What does the message "Longpoll from pool 0 requested work update" exactly mean? And what does it mean that there are more of these msg than the "accepted" msg? Everything ok or would it mine more efficient if less of the "work update" msg would be visible?