Hi, I am new to all this, but help me understand this. If there is a crypto coin that is very useful and has functional value, not just speculative, say it becomes very expensive. What is to stop someone from just creating their own coin that is the almost identical to it, and using it instead, so high prices are not paid for the other coin? How can all these coins maintain high values, when people can just create as many new coins as they want?
People can easily create new coins and they do none is stoping them from doing so, but the thing is is how to make it popular so its price goes up, take bitcoin for exemple when it first came out it was a new idea that is why it started becoming more and more popualr and so its price got higher, and all the other coins that came after bitcoin didn't have the same success why, because they don't bring anything new, but right now with the trnasaction time and the miner fees for bitcoin going high, new coins are coming up and saying we can do what bitcoin can't and that is providing a fast transaction time wih less fees and those coins are starting to get the attention of many users and investors.