What is Bitcolend (BTL)
Bitcolend(BTL) is an open source public blockchain based cryptocurrency
How Does Bitcolend(BTL) Work?
Bitcolend works exactly like bitcoin. it will be used as a mode of payment in the future.Currently, it can be exchanged in bitcoin and can be sent anywhere in the world.
What The Value of Bitcolend (BTL)
The value oF Bitcolend (BTL) depends upon the supply and demand.It has a total supply of 35,000,00.The current ICO supply is 10,500,000.The current value of Bitcolend is $0.50.The price of Bitcoled is expected to increase to $1.00 once it goes to the open internal market.
How will the price of Bitcolend increase?
The introduction of a lending program will encourage people to hold and store Bitcolend for 3 to 8 months.
What price can you expect?
Juat like any cryptocurrency,the price ot Bitcolend cannot be predicted or guaranteed.However,owing to our team efforts,progress, member trust and strong marketing,we can expert it to hit $25 by the end of January 2018 and $100 by the end of May 2018.
“Initial coin offering”
The Bitcolend ICO will be launched on a yet to be disclosed date by a team with solid and relevant skills to execute at the enterprise level. Please check the Bitcolend website ( for the latest information. The Bitcolend ICO has clearly defined realistic goals. Efficient utilization of funds, as well as business-based thresholds for both minimum and maximum raise will be available. Furthermore, the ICO and post ICO development is governed by the industry’s best practices in good governance for the project, team and technology. We are also offering premium rewards for early joiners. Visit
ICO Structure
The ICO will feature 10.500.000 Bitcolend for sale, with each coin creating a broader opportunity to be held by Bitcolend holders. Only 10.500.000 Bitcolend is currently available as pre-mined to be sold in ICO. This means that the rest of the coins will be mined by the Bitcolend community. The ICO sales will run from (Desember 14th 2017 until 12th 2018). The crowd sales will be carried out in way that it will benefit the early adopters
▪Name: Bitcolend
▪Transaction Code: BTL
▪Max Supply: 35.000.000 BTL
▪ICO Supply : 10.500.000 BTL
▪Price ICO: $0.5/BTL
▪Target Price After ICO : $25/BTL
▪Target Price Market Cap : $50/BTL