Using Multipoolminer and only the MPH pool (No zpool of hashrefinery). I've had a new rig up and running for many (8?) hours running only Equihash for now. It shows up in hub workers on the site but nothing in any of the Equihash graphs or in the stats (Just multiples of my other rig). Losing my mind here and i keep checking the bat file over and over.. nothing i can see to change in it hehe :/
Powershell -version 5.0 -noexit -executionpolicy bypass -windowstyle maximized -command "&.\multipoolminer.ps1 -wallet xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -username SuperDerpBro -workername DERPMiner -region US -currency btc,cad -type nvidia -poolname miningpoolhub -algorithm equihash -donate 5 -watchdog"
after it does a full benchmark from equihash algo coins based on your config file it starts mining and shows up the moment you submit few shares so i say less than 5 min for a rig if it doesn't show there can be a problem like wrong username.