mikacoin (OP)
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
December 15, 2017, 01:07:00 PM |
Hello, best regards
I am trying to correct the following error:
...Pool mikacoin Thread 1 p2p connection failed - likely incorrect p2p magic value
But I have not come up with the solution :-(
This is my configuration:
MIKA.conf --------- rpcuser=MIKArpc rpcpassword=3PLRttXTYpiMnDqHaBDngbXCbeHgXE4xPcNWFSh5m89z rpcallowip= rpcport=41019 daemon=1 server=1 gen=1 blocknotify=node /home/onx/unomp/scripts/cli.js blocknotify mikacoin %s
config.json -----------
{ "logLevel": "debug", "logColors": true,
"cliPort": 17117,
"clustering": { "enabled": true, "forks": "auto" },
"defaultPoolConfigs": { "blockRefreshInterval": 1000, "jobRebroadcastTimeout": 55, "connectionTimeout": 600, "emitInvalidBlockHashes": false, "validateWorkerUsername": true, "tcpProxyProtocol": false, "banning": { "enabled": true, "time": 600, "invalidPercent": 50, "checkThreshold": 500, "purgeInterval": 300 }, "redis": { "host": "", "port": 6379, "db": 0, "password": "" } },
"website": { "enabled": true, "host": "", "siteTitle": "UNOMP Mikacoin", "port": 8080, "stratumHost": "pool.mikacoin.com", "stats": { "updateInterval": 60, "historicalRetention": 43200, "hashrateWindow": 300, "graphColors": ["#058DC7", "#50B432", "#ED561B", "#DDDF00", "#24CBE5", "#64E572", "#FF9655", "#FFF263", "#6AF9C4"] }, "adminCenter": { "enabled": true, "password": "password123" } },
"redis": { "host": "", "port": 6379, "db": 0, "password": "" },
"switching": { "switch1": { "enabled": false, "algorithm": "sha256", "ports": { "3333": { "diff": 10, "varDiff": { "minDiff": 16, "maxDiff": 512, "targetTime": 15, "retargetTime": 90, "variancePercent": 30 } } } }, "switch2": { "enabled": false, "algorithm": "scrypt", "ports": { "4444": { "diff": 10, "varDiff": { "minDiff": 16, "maxDiff": 512, "targetTime": 15, "retargetTime": 90, "variancePercent": 30 } } } }, "switch3": { "enabled": false, "algorithm": "x11", "ports": { "5555": { "diff": 0.001, "varDiff": { "minDiff": 0.001, "maxDiff": 1, "targetTime": 15, "retargetTime": 60, "variancePercent": 30 } } } } },
"profitSwitch": { "enabled": false, "updateInterval": 600, "depth": 0.90, "usePoloniex": true, "useBittrex": true },
"blockNotifyListener": { "enabled": true, "port": 17117 } }
coins/mikacoin.json -------------------
{ "name": "Mikacoin", "symbol": "MKA", "algorithm": "x11", "mposDiffMultiplier": 256, "peerMagic": "fbc0b6db", "peerMagicTestnet": "fcc1b7dc" }
pool_configs/onixcoin.json --------------------------
{ "enabled": true, "coin": "mikacoin.json",
"auxes": [], "address": "MXLBh7LJ1BLDghiNP81QAc8WFVdtVpwhd2",
"rewardRecipients": { "MKQc6Rw6maMrRv71Yk7bmTLJWWoprdNGYF": 5.0 },
"paymentProcessing": { "enabled": true, "paymentInterval": 30, "minimumPayment": 0.001, "daemon": { "host": "", "port": 41019, "user": "MIKArpc", "password": "3PLRttXTYpiMnDqHaBDngbXCbeHgXE4xPcNWFSh5m89z" } }, "ports": { "3008": { "diff": 8 }, "3032": { "diff": 0.002, "varDiff": { "minDiff": 0.002, "maxDiff": 512, "targetTime": 15, "retargetTime": 60, "variancePercent": 30 } }, "3256": { "diff": 256 } },
"daemons": [ { "host": "", "port": 41019, "user": "MIKArpc", "password": "3PLRttXTYpiMnDqHaBDngbXCbeHgXE4xPcNWFSh5m89z" } ], "p2p": { "enabled": true, "host": "", "port": 41016, "disableTransactions": true },
"mposMode": { "enabled": false, "host": "", "port": 3306, "user": "me", "password": "mypass", "database": "ltc", "checkPassword": false, "autoCreateWorker": false }
For all the help you can give me Thanks