*** I've received a PM from this guy "biaka":
Announcing the release my btc-e trade bot. Btce-Bot is a top knotch trading platform and gives the user the ability to trade 24/7, an advantage over any trader without it. Btce-bot is very popular with its members, and boasts the most users of any btc-e bot out there.
The bot is simple to setup and is supported by btce API keys. I offer a trial version, and only ask if you make a profit please consider buying full version for .2 btc.
If you would like to purchase, or download trial visit
http://redacted/ Thanks!"
*** I've replied:
"I'll let you know if i'll buy!"
*** Second PM from him:
"ok but you can use trial version to test it."
*** I've replied:
"Okay! I will let you know my opinion!"
My intuition told me "Don't Click !!"
After a Google search I realized that that address is virused.
Mods, please move my thread to Scam Accusations if my intuition was good!