Higher grade chips will run up to 294Mhz (I've seen engines running at 320Mhz). At the same time, I think you can use only 15 engines per chip.
Interesting, I'm not sure how the firmware clocks the chips exactly. There's this portion in the header file:
#define NOP_OPERATION asm volatile ("nop \n\t nop \n\t nop \n\t nop \n\t nop \n\t");
#elif defined(__OPERATING_FREQUENCY_48MHz__)
#define NOP_OPERATION asm volatile ("nop \n\t nop \n\t nop \n\t nop \n\t");
#define NOP_OPERATION asm volatile ("nop \n\t nop \n\t nop \n\t nop \n\t");
Does 64Mhz relate to the chip or engine frequency or something else? If it does relate to chip speed, what does "nop \n\t nop \n\t nop \n\t nop \n\t nop \n\t" mean or refer to? I have a fairly limited background in programming and I'm not intimately familiar with the board design or exactly how jobs get distributed and calculated across chips and engines.