Many of you who have been part of Group Buys or planning on Vendors to receive chips for production (i.e. Terrahash and others)
have heard many "guesstimates" as to when you or your vendor will get their chips.
Speculation and hype are nice, but results and data always rule over speculation.
I started this thread to share some of that data.
So far we have two companies/individuals who have ordered chips in hand (or who have received official notice of shipping)
These are documented below.
What you will see that is common between the two is that the duration is between 94 and 95 days (we will call it 94.5 days
As you receive chip orders please feel free to add to this thread to help everyone get a better idea for when they will receive their orders.
Also here is a web based tool that you can use to help determine days between two dates to quickly help you determine when your chips will potentially arrive. Luck! 15th Order Arrived July 18th - 94 Days 18th Order Shipped July 22nd - 95 Days