This is period #1135. Period #1136 will start in about 11 hours, when the unix time 1374560000 % 1210000 == 0.
Ah, so the epoch coincides with the unix epoch. And I notice that a forum fortnight is not exactly a fortnight, but rather around 7 minutes longer than a fortnight. Is there a particular reason for this, or is it just because it is a round number?
Am I right in saying the algorithm works as follows:
time = number of two-week periods in which you've posted since your registration
activity = min(time * 14, posts)
Can someone clarify what "number of two-week periods in which you've posted since your registration" means?
since your registration is redundant and a bit misleading in fact.
You can't post when you're not registered. And
since your registration tends to look like the periods were synchronized with your registration rather than fixed unix time.