I'm not familiar with the app and I can't test it either as I don't have any ios device. Although I found the app in appstore and luckily they provided some essential details.
bitWallet supports two types of wallets; Classic wallets accept all Bitcoin addresses and private keys. New random addresses can be generated, and existing keys can be scanned and imported. Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) wallets derive all accounts, addresses and private keys from a single master extended key. HD wallets adhere to the BIP32 / BIP44 / BIP49 address generation methods and wallet structures. Wallet seeds and deterministic keys are derived from BIP39 mnemonic sentences.
So if you happen to have created a HD wallet, then you should also have your seed (Random words) or maybe you can access it on the app but in most cases the wallet will prompt you to backup your seed when you created a new wallet.
If you have your seed you can try these:
1). Use a tool to generate your private keys (Run this offline, preferably with no network connection)
you could try using the BIP39 Mnemonic Code Converter (
https://iancoleman.github.io/bip39/ - create offline copy etc), put in your seed, click the BIP44 tab... and see if it creates your addresses... if you see your "receive" address(es), try changing the "External/Internal" value to 1 (BIP44 derivation path: m/44'/0'/0'/1)... that should then generate your "change" addresses...
2). Import it to
electrum and spend it there (You can also view your private keys)
https://bitcoinelectrum.com/restoring-your-standard-wallet-from-seed*When electrum prompts you to enter your seed, Click
options and tick the
BIP39 Seed Box