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Author Topic: [ANN] MiningPoolHub Master Miner (Simple GUI Multi Miner) v.0.2  (Read 1649 times)
SiegeHorse (OP)
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December 21, 2017, 06:07:47 AM
Last edit: February 27, 2018, 05:29:59 AM by SiegeHorse

Hello all!

Looking for a replacement to mining on nicehash? What about mining on MiningPoolHub with all the convenience of NiceHash legacy miner?

I needed this program and thought I could provide it to everyone else because it has been so useful!

* Easy GUI interface and setup
* Automatic algorithm and miner switching to maximize profit
* Current income display, see how much money you are making live
* Automated benchmarking
* Most of the other features of NiceHash Legacy Miner still work too (IFTTT support, tweak miner params, set profitability thresholds, etc.)

1. Download v0.2 here:!MCQTSTZB!g3RdtvHIQJnS5mUrhRJPub_dHylID3hJ4S7eUXj54ws
2. Extract from zip and launch "Start MMM" shortcut (or launch MMM exe directly)
***2b. Note: due to an issue with GitHub downloads until an updated version is released you need to manually download the miners according to the instructions here: ***
3. Click 'Benchmark' and then 'start' to benchmark your card rates on each algorithm
4. When all benchmarks have completed, close benchmark window and press 'Start' to start mining
5. Profit!

To be transparent I want to disclose that the miner will mine for me about 30 minutes total spread over the course of the day so it doesn't affect your rates displayed in pool stats.
This is my incentive to maintain this application, fix bugs, and add new features!
You will barely notice it with the extra coinz the app makes you Smiley Much coinz!

Most Recent Version Info!MCQTSTZB!g3RdtvHIQJnS5mUrhRJPub_dHylID3hJ4S7eUXj54ws

Changes from v0.1.1 to 0.2:
*Fix AMD adrenaline driver detection ("Device not added, Bus No. 0 not found" error)
*Add auto-detection of new version available
*Fix some UI bugs

Upgrade Instructions:
*Note: when new miners are added, you should re-run benchmarks to keep profitability at maximum
1. Extract new version to folder
2. Copy entire "config" folder from last version to new version directory
3. Launch new version (it will prompt to download recent versions of miners then will be ready to go)


I don't hide anything that this is based off of Dillon's NiceHash Legacy Miner, if you throw anything my way, I promise I will pass some on to Dillon.



Q: Why a new account to release something new?
A: Because I want to keep my business and personal life separate, I hope I can eventually earn your trust.

Known Issues in v0.2:
* Error pop ups still refer to NiceHash for the most part
* Balance is not implemented and always shows zero
* Benchmarking will fail on algorithms not supported by MiningPoolHub
* Hang on startup if miners not downloaded ***Note: due to an issue with GitHub downloads until an updated version is released you need to manually download the miners according to the instructions here: ***

Edit 12-22: Release new version v.0.1.1
Edit 2017-1-13: Release v.0.2
Edit 2017-02-26: Added note about download error causing hang on start
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December 21, 2017, 06:27:46 AM

Hmmm newbie with 1 post we need more trust brother... Hope someone will post some feedback I'll wait for try this ap and i wish you good luck
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December 21, 2017, 08:21:38 AM

since there's no source available, if someone wants to really trust it they'll have to monitor what registry/file locations it reads/writes to/from , and also wireshark it

However, if it truly does mine for OP 2% of the time, personally I'd be more inclined to trust that there's no malware in it (because he wouldn't want to lose his potential income stream)
not going to try it myself, but only because I use Nemosminer-MPH when I want to hit MiningPoolHub

just saying  

Legacy signature from 2011: 
All rates with Phoenix 1.50 / PhatK
5850 - 400 MH/s  |  5850 - 355 MH/s | 5830 - 310 MH/s  |  GTX570 - 115 MH/s | 5770 - 210 MH/s | 5770 - 200 MH/s
SiegeHorse (OP)
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December 21, 2017, 01:54:16 PM

@PcChip, exactly, I figure a donation to make some money is way more preferable than doing harm. Cheesy

I know it is just my word, but the only changes made from the NHML code, which is open source, were to convert to MiningPoolHub APIs and remove NiceHash GUI elements. I might release the source someday, but until it gains some adoption I thought it was strategically more valuable to keep closed source.

Nemos Miner was Nvidia only, so it wasn't enough for me, and I think a lot of smaller miners like something more visual with less setup. Not to mention some people rely on other features of the nhml miner like IFTTT support .
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December 21, 2017, 02:29:03 PM

Can you add EURO as Currency so EU users do not have to recalculate USD by hand.
Another thing ... You can not minimize the main window because then the program closes.
SiegeHorse (OP)
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December 21, 2017, 07:53:35 PM

@Panzar Adding more currency support is definitely on the todo list, looking over the various coin price indices, I still haven't picked which one will work the best.

Can you give more information on how minimizing makes the whole window close? Pressing the minimize window button does not crash in my tests so fa, is it only a specific window or state?
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December 22, 2017, 12:38:22 AM
Last edit: January 11, 2018, 03:20:47 PM by cryptominer420

Well I gave up on waiting for people. Made my own for zpool with full algo support on nvidia cards.

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▬▬  A Miner Built Mining Platform  ▬▬[/url]
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December 22, 2017, 10:04:26 AM

I had selected "Hide Mining Window" I thought it closed the MS DOS window, but the DOS window will be open and the program will disappear.
SiegeHorse (OP)
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December 22, 2017, 01:53:37 PM

@Panzar, do you know which miner it was opening? ccminer/ewbf/etc? Different miners actually do different things with that setting.
SiegeHorse (OP)
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December 22, 2017, 02:14:40 PM

For historical reference before I update for new version:

Hello all!

Looking for a replacement to mining on nicehash? What about mining on MiningPoolHub with all the convenience of NiceHash legacy miner?

I needed this program and thought I could provide it to everyone to make a little something on the side.

It will mine for me about 2% of the time, to help encourage me to support further development Smiley

Download v0.1 here:!wXRHUCzY!MDxVGNGyGe1urFfAa3ow3Mc2w8-5uC8WjXQx_QPMl4c


I don't hide anything that this is based off of Dillon's NiceHash Legacy Miner, if you throw anything my way, I promise I will pass some on to Dillon.



Q: Why a brand new account to release something new?
A: Because I want to keep my business and personal life separate, I hope I can eventually earn your trust.

Known Issues in v0.1:
* Error pop ups still refer to NiceHash for the most part
* Balance is not implemented and always shows zero
* Benchmarking will fail on algorithms not supported by MiningPoolHub

Edit 12-20: Update FAQ and fix link and title
Edit 12-21: Add known issues
SiegeHorse (OP)
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December 22, 2017, 02:51:19 PM

New Version v0.1.1!

Download v0.1.1 here:!UepEAJbD!aFxDpp01NcrkCRQGs2x1hdgYUUgecmjuNm515nGRnp8

Changes from v0.1 to 0.1.1:
*Fix Nvidia card detection on older drivers

Upgrade Instructions:
1. Extract new version to folder
2. Copy entire "config" folder from last version to new version directory
3. Launch new version (it will prompt to download recent versions of miners then will be ready to go)
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December 22, 2017, 04:33:15 PM

I tested the CPU mining so it was Cryptonight
SiegeHorse (OP)
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December 23, 2017, 02:44:13 PM

@Panzar, thanks for the info, I will have a look at what is going on when I get my rig with cpu mining switched over to MMM. Probably sometime next week after Christmas Smiley
SiegeHorse (OP)
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December 25, 2017, 05:37:16 AM

Merry Crypto-Christmas Everybody!!!
SiegeHorse (OP)
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January 07, 2018, 09:15:10 PM

Planning to hook up the MPH balance and some calculations to keep track of it vs. estimated income over the next week or so.

I have a bunch of other ideas for improvements since enough people are using it to make it worth it. But first, do any of you have specific feature requests?
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January 11, 2018, 02:57:26 PM

Thanks, I just set mine up now.

It seems to be working properly . I have no idea if its mining the most profitable coin, though.

Currently its mining Equihash on port 20575 reporting 32USD per day (2x 1070, 4x1060).

PS - anyone who already ran benchmarks on nicehash legacy can just copy those benchmarks into this folder to avoid having to run all those benchmarks again.
SiegeHorse (OP)
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January 13, 2018, 06:30:26 PM

@naK2 most profitable rates are calculated by multiplying your benchmarks vs. the profit rates given by the MPH API. You can compare against MPH front page rates for your card type: (might be a little different depending on your benchmark rates).
SiegeHorse (OP)
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January 13, 2018, 06:39:54 PM

New Version v0.2!

Changes from v0.1.1 to 0.2:
*Fix AMD adrenaline driver detection ("Device not added, Bus No. 0 not found" error)
*Add auto-detection of new version available
*Fix some UI bugs

Download v0.2 here:!MCQTSTZB!g3RdtvHIQJnS5mUrhRJPub_dHylID3hJ4S7eUXj54ws

Upgrade Instructions:
*Note: when new miners are added, you should re-run benchmarks to keep profitability at maximum
1. Extract new version to folder
2. Copy entire "config" folder from last version to new version directory
3. Launch new version (it will prompt to download recent versions of miners then will be ready to go)
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January 13, 2018, 08:35:41 PM

going to give this a try thanks
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January 14, 2018, 03:34:44 AM
Last edit: January 15, 2018, 01:16:31 AM by bobguy22

I noticed you haven't found/made a icon yet so I looked around and found one for you! (on a icon site of course) Hope you enjoy @SiegeHorse  Grin Also will there be any plans to input our addresses into the miner to see our balance?
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