Alright guys, Now I need a multi port USB powered hub to run some AM USB's
Please note, I need them quickly so no china or USA, Prefer Europe, Rather UK.
Also please note what these things need, 500mA to EACH PORT.
As usual, Escrow or you send first, Payment in BTC.
That seems to be the standard hub for this purpose:
Amazon LinkAnd amazon, at least for me, is always fast. They ship first and book the money later for me.
If you only can pay with btc there was somewhere an offer in the forum to pay your amazon orders for btc.
Yes, I see people rating them, However I seam to have difficulty in getting them shipped to UK, Either they don't or I'm doing it wrong.
I still need this if anyone can help, I would like four 10 port hubs, Can anyone help me?