Still safe to use etherdelta??
I think i have learned my lesson already. Although i haven't lost any amount of money unlike others, seeing a lot of them lose money if frightening enough for me to make me turn a 180 degrees away from etherdelta and look for better ones out there. Im currently looking at metamask right now. If i don't see anything wrong with it, i might use this rather than risk my hard earned funds on etherdelta.
Yeah. I couldn't agree with you more. That probably is the vest decision. Since i believe that prevention is hetter than cure. Although in this case, when it happens there wouldn't be any cure to help you get back all the money or investments you have lost. Which is why i too am thinking of making the same decision. Since. I am way too paranoid with my hard earned funds. What can i say? Paranoia ain't as bad as losing all your crypto possessions. Ain't that right?
So yeah. I will be doing the same.