Ok guys! I am back from christmas, (in Spain it last until the 7th of January, as we have the Three Wise Kings day, when they bring kids to children on the 6th)
Here is the list of participants and their assigned number based on their post.
krogothmanhattan 01
2stout 02
minerjones 03
bavicrypto 04
teeGUMES 05
ClearSky8 06
vizique 07
squall1066 08
makila 10
wttbs 11
WritingG123 12
yogg 13
iluvbitcoins 14
actmyname 15
dazedfool 16
ChiBitCTy 17
ZipReg 18
notserp 19
NCCrypto77 20
Fattcatt 21
snarfbag 22
polymerbit 23
Kryptowerk 24
jaska 25
dolphriends 26
SM23031997 27
aTriz 28
dArkjON 29
dembits 30
mortare 31
AT101ET 32
wheelz1200 33
cryptovan 34
Zyro 35
digicoinuser 36
zekoroger 37
Fluxify 38
hilarypolar 39
andulolika 40
HardyGoodsLtd 41
Fruitmandje 42
chronicsky 43
SilentMining 44
BlackMambaPH 45
Winner will be chosen based on the last two digits of the hash in block 503155 (Current is 503153) if the two digits are not two numbers, or a number not on the list the next block will be used until a winner is found.
https://blockexplorer.com/blocksGood luck!