I have been sending Bitcoin all month to my exchange and it would get there under 1 hour. I send some about 8 hours ago, and not a single confirmation. Why? What creates these exceptions? I used the same fee as always.
Here is the transaction: aee4bc3a302abd18c00883489a72cdff5f929c4f96c99a70fdb67d2dacb90aa4
Blockchain.info mempool data is failing these days too...
I could find your tx on blockchair but not the .info one
https://blockchair.com/bitcoin/transaction/aee4bc3a302abd18c00883489a72cdff5f929c4f96c99a70fdb67d2dacb90aa4If their calculations are reliable, your place is 24731/245726, so unless nobody sends new transactions to the mempool you are still going to have to wait two hours.
But I've just seen a transaction with higher fees than yours that is stuck for two days.
Are you sure that by all month you include the last 4-5 days also? Cause everything was working almost "fine" one week ago.