I accelerated your transaction, it should confirm in 20 min. Thanks, you can send reward soon.
Another user contacted me privately 20 minutes before your message, saying he accelerated it, and sent me the block number it was confirmed on.
24f2df7d517dbf03447a279a1d3f6e5db82fc1760cf78178b0a7bf80a35389d0Included In Blocks 500742 ( 2017-12-23 21:19:34 + 16,192 minutes )
look at the time he posted and the time your tx gets confirmed, just saying
and private msg came in 20mins before him that makes it ~9:21 PM... another
everyone can say block # confirmation after it gets confirmed, it's publicly known to all users
that's the difficult part about tipping for acceleration, noone know for sure, unless you directly pay the miner