Still trying to figure out what TF happened to my passphrase. I didn't change it (checked that) and it's been the same for years but sometime between Nov 27 and Dec 5th it stopped accepting the passphrase.
On Dec 5 I found this in the debug -- it never appeared before. Is it possible the the wallet automatically assigned itself a new passphrase??
2017-12-05 13:02:17 Binding RPC on address ::1 port 8332 failed.
2017-12-05 13:02:17 HTTP: creating work queue of depth 16
2017-12-05 13:02:17 No rpcpassword set - using random cookie authentication
2017-12-05 13:02:17 Generated RPC authentication cookie C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin\.cookie
Is there any way for me to find out the length of my passphrase? I've tried brute force (btc recover) using the passphrase I know but it's exhausting every possible combination. If I could know the length, it might help me create a more precise tokenlist.
I'm using Bitcoin version v0.14.2 , Win10
Sometimes keyboards can do funky things. Try a different keyboard?
Or type the password out and be sure it is what you think is right, then copy and paste it into the form.