While most traders focus on prices and volumes, there is also a wealth of information related to crpyto currencies that can be generated from blockchain statistics. Sort of like fundamental/ financial data for stocks.
I have heard some ppl reference the transaction fee as a good proxy for how popular a given crypto currency is.
https://bitinfocharts.com/comparison/transactionfees-btc-ltc-eth.htmlor taking a look at the distribution of wallet sizes and number of wallets and unique addresses to asses the overall popularity of a project.
https://blockchain.info/charts/n-unique-addresses //
https://blockchain.info/charts/my-wallet-n-usersCurious to hear other statistic that traders and investors use and what is the rationale behind them. I think there is a wealth of information here beyond simple prices.
Some good sites I found, butI am sure there are more.