I would like to warn users of a new project, masquerading under the name "
SegWit2x", but wholly unrelated to the original SegWit2x proposal. None of the original developers of the real SegWit2x are involved. It would appear they just stole a name people recognise in order to get attention. This new project makes sweeping and potentially reckless changes to the codebase. Changes which could potentially be damaging to the the entire community if people lend it an air of legitimacy.
If stealing the name itself wasn't suspicious enough, it also appears to facilitate the theft of coins from private keys that don't belong to them on this new chain, in order to give those coins to users to incentivise adoption. They even try to justify it on their website:
In addition, we will distribute a proportional number of "Bitcoins of Satoshi Nakamoto" to all those who support hardfork!
By “Bitcoin of Satoshi Nakamoto” we mean what the founder and chief developer of Bitcoin BTC mined at the time of zero network activity. They will be credited to the crypto-exchanges and wallets of our partners gradually. The list of partners will be constantly updated on our website! Even if Satoshi Nakamoto wants to get B2X for his pre-mining, he is not able to do this, as we blocked the initial blocks for conversion to Bitcoin Segwit2X.
It is worth noting that this present to users who supported us will be credited some time after the basic conversion 1:1
Stealing other peoples' money in this manner is
not okay. We cannot allow such a dangerous mindset to flourish. That is categorically not how Bitcoin is supposed to work.
Again, be wary of anyone using the name "SegWit2x" if they're talking about this fork. The developers of this new project seem morally questionable at best. At worst, it could well be an outright scam. Be vigilant. Do not, under any circumstances, import any private keys into their client until people have had an opportunity to evaluate the code and deem it safe to use.