So far the hard fork of bitcoin give better affect for bitcoin itself especially on price. many people buy bitcoin for hardfork and get free coin from the outcome of hardfork.
overall harf fork is good to improve bitcoin's features by creating another child chain from bitcoin's blockchain.
i just want to know, is there any bad affect of hardfork for bitcoin?
I don't know how hard forks would help for bitcoin's features.Instead,it spoils the reputation of bitcoin.Its true that many people bought bitcoins for claiming free coins which even led to the price rise of bitcoin.But now,the expectation has decreased a lot.But still,some people show interest in it and buy bitcoins for claiming such free coins.Large number of forked coins with bitcoin name would create confusion among new investors.These coins are nothing but shitcoins just pumped and dumped.
i think you have right point, i must correct my word 'improve bitcoin' s features' hard fork is only for creating a new coins that purposed to make somethings in features than bitcoin has.
but i don't agree that it will only make confusion for new investors, it is a thing that we do Need to think. The outcome coins from hardfork are not totally shit coins, you are totally wrong with this argument. they are better and not just purposed for dump and pump.