We need your help coming up with a cool slogan or catch phrase.
You have 2 weeks from now to come up with your most creative slogan or catch phrase for DailyBit!
At the end of 2 weeks I will create a new thread and let every one vote on the best slogan. The winner gets a cool prize.
Please include your primecoin address in your post as I will periodically send a few coins to creative entry's. Contest Rules.Limit 3 entry's per person.
To receive the prize you must live inside of the continental US or pay the extra cost for international shipping, sorry anyone that lives outside of the US.
No vulgarity
Keep it clean and have fun.
So, what does the winner get you might ask?How would you like a 7" tall Walking Dead: Rick Grimes Bobble head.
If for some reason the winner does not want a Rick Grimes Bobble Head(who wouldn't?) they may opt for a btc payment of 0.10btc in lieu of the prize.I currently have 2 contests going right now, If you are looking for the logo contest please go here.