Thanks for pointing me to that article.
As I understand it, Microsoft is investing into the classic "interoperability" aspect. Bath fixtures will report water usage to your Excel spreadsheet.
The IoT aspect The Burst Dymaxion has at this moment is sort of similar to IOTA on IoT microtransactions/bargaining/negotiations of IoT devices.
The robotic vacuum cleaner making a micropayment to the drone which will carry it one floor up - or to the next building, because it made the lower bid on cleaning compared to other cleaners...
I don't think Microsofts vision goes that far, but maybe I'm mistaken or the blog - which is written in a quite generic way - is intentionally kept on a somewhat superficial level to address a broader audience.
The article mentions that these investitions will occur within the next 4 years, so 2018-2022, I think there is plenty of opportunities for Microsoft engineers to grab a copy of a light weight Dymaxion Layer daemon implementation in late 2018 and experiment with it to their liking.