So... was it a scam, or just incompetence?
Or is it still unclear?
If it's not a scam, it is very badly managed with he worst communication skills in BTC securities history.
<User Labcoin is offline at, last seen 10 days, 1 hour ago>
There is a group on IRC made of around 16 shareholders [
LCSH] who are taking steps to track down Samuel Noi (or/and Fabrizio & Alissia) in case communication is not reestablished.
In the last QA, "Sam" said they would have the remaining chips up and hashing by the 15th:
[16:04] <+labcoin__> (...) At this point the project won't fail, we will be receiving the complete hardware before 15 October.That was on the SEP 30TH, 2013 (ref:
If this deadline is not met, then it's most probably a scam. Some will take the legal avenue, while more shabby investors will probably take the law in their own hands. What is certain is that many angry people will track them down.