July 31, 2013, 04:31:17 PM |
I was having a discussion in an IRC channel last night with someone about multi-tools and knives and one thing led to another and he offered to buy a gently used switchblade off of me. That got me to thinking. I have lots of switchblades and knives that are collecting dust on my shelf (I went through about 20 of them to test before I found one I really liked) and I would like to sell them on here.
I know that the rule is that the item must be legal to sell in both the seller's home country and the buyer's home country, and I don't plan on shipping these internationally, but with the patchwork of laws in the US about this stuff, can I sell switchblades, assisted open knives, automatic knives, rescue tools and the likes on these forums?
For example, while switchblades are legal to carry in my state, there are city ordinances that ban it in individual cities. Assuming that I was not a firefighter, if I were to walk down the block to the city limits, I could be arrested for having a switchblade. When I worked in another state, and sometimes when I buy these things online, I'm required to show my Department of Public Safety ID. When I'm where I am now, any one over the age of 18 can walk into any store and buy one (the 18 restriction is one the stores set, not a state law).
Would I be allowed to sell these switchblades here on this site? And if so, what is my obligation to research where the buyer is located and their local laws?