July 31, 2013, 04:56:19 PM |
Gostaria que o site bitcoin.org fosse traduzido para o Português do Brasil o mais rápido possível. Contribuí um pouco mas ainda falta muita coisa. Vou postar algumas frases para que vocês possam sugerir traduções e assim agilizarmos a tradução do site.
Frase 1- (Bitcoin-Qt is the original Bitcoin client and it builds the backbone of the network. It offers the highest levels of security, privacy, and stability. However it has fewer features and it takes a lot of space and memory.)
Frase 2- Armory is an advanced Bitcoin client that runs on top of Bitcoin-Qt. Expanding its features for Bitcoin power users. It offers many backup and encryption features, and it allows secure cold-storage on offline computers.
Frase 3- Electrum's focus is speed and simplicity, with low resource usage. It uses remote servers that handle the most complicated parts of the Bitcoin system, and it allows you to recover your wallet from a secret phrase.
Terminadas essas frases, postarei as próximas.