2. Facebook, VK, Twitter bounty campaignRules:
You must be subscribed to us on Facebook, VK and Twitter.
Maximum 1 post per day and 7 posts per week will be included. A maximum of 1 tweet per day and 7 tweets per week will be charged.
Retweets and reposts must remain public until the end of the Bounty campaign of RuCoin.
The number of friends is fixed at registration and remains unchanged until the end of the Bounty campaign of RuCoin.
Weekly reports are filled once a week. For example, if you made two reposts / retweets in the past week, you only add two links to the two repo / retweets in the weekly report. If you made all 7 reposts / retweets in a week, then make 7 references to reposts / retweets.
2.1 Facebook campaignSubscribe and like our official Facebook page:
https://www.facebook.com/rucoin.io/Register in the form to participate:
Fill the formWeekly form for reposts
Weekly reportsAdding RuCoin tokens by number of friends on Facebook:Join the Facebook group - 1 RUCOIN
200-999 friends - 1 RUCOIN for the post
1000-1999 friends - 2 RUCOIN for the post
2000-2999 friends - 3 RUCOIN for the post
3000-3999 friends - 4 RUCOIN for the post
more than 4000 friends - 5 RUCOIN for the post
2.2 Twitter campaignSubscribe and like our official Twitter page:
https://twitter.com/RuCoin2017Register in the form to participate:
Fill the form Weekly form for retweets:
Weekly reportsDistributing of RuCoin tokens by number of followers:Subscription to Twitter account - 1 RUCOIN
300-1499 followers-1 RUCOIN for a tweet
1500-2999 followers-2 RUCOIN for a tweet
3000-4999 followers 3 RUCOIN for tweet
5000-6999 followers 4 RUCOIN for tweet
7000-9999 followers-5 RUCOIN for a tweet
Over 10,000 followers-6 RUCOIN for a tweet
2.3 VKontakte campaignSubscribe and like our official VKontakte page:
https://vk.com/ru_coin_comRegister in the form to participate:
Fill the formWeekly form for reposts:
Weekly reportsDistributing of RuCoin tokens by number of friends:Join the group VK - 1 RUCOIN
200 - 999 friends - 1 RUCOIN for the post
1000 - 1999 friends - 2 RUCOIN for the post
2000 - 2999 friends - 3 RUCOIN for the post
3000 - 3999 friends - 4 RUCOIN for the post
more than 4000 friends - 5 RUCOIN for the post
3. Bounty campaign on Youtube, blogs and media Reward distribution: Participants can earn RuCoin tokens depending on their efforts and the quality of publications. The decision on the amount of remuneration and the quality of the works sent is taken at the discretion of the RuCoin team. If your publication or message is written in a foreign language, the number of tokens awarded to you will depend on the feedback that your publication receives (likes, click "" share "", comments).
The award will be distributed among the creators of the original / unique videos, stories, messages, reviews, articles and press releases about "Token RUCOIN and the Global Network of Awards"
Anyone can participate - just create a 350+ word long text about RUCOIN, the project and publish it. The better and longer your text, the more you will get RUCOIN.
Rules: 1. All videos, articles or blog posts must be publicly available and published on the appropriate platform.
2. The length of your publication should be at least 500 words and include links to our site (
https://ico.ru-coin.com) and social network. The length of the video should be at least two minutes and include text on the screen (the signature under the video as a link to our site). Please, before publishing your work, view the Whitepaper RuCoin and the website. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us.
3. RuCoin reserves the right to refuse to pay tokens for published videos, articles / blog posts if the team finds that the message is inaccurate or misleading if the publication does not practically attract the attention of the audience or contains insults and obscene content.
4. Limit 1 YouTube video per user.
3.1 Youtube CampaignRegister in the form to participate
Fill the formWorks of the participants
Finished worksInterest calculation:
A great original / unique video - 100 RUCOIN
Average original / unique video 50 RUCOIN
Small original / unique video 25 RUCOIN
A regular video with explanations and a story about RuCoin - 10 RUCOIN
3.2 Bounty campaign in blogs and mediaRegister in the form to participate
Fill the formWorks of the participants
Finished worksInterest calculation:Great original / unique article, 20.000 characters and more - 100 RUCOIN
The average size of the original / unique article, 10tys. - 20tys. characters - 50 RUCOIN
A small original / unique article, below 10 thousand characters - 25 RUCOIN
4. Campaign for creativityTerms and conditions:
The work should include the RUCOIN logo or signature / mention
https://ico.ru-coin.comThe work must be original.
The work should be connected with cryptocurrencies / blocking / public collection of funds / investments or something else in this topic.
Fill out the form and paste the link to your work
Fill itDistribution of Reward:Positive meme + logo RUCOIN + share (Sher) in FB or twitter (necessarily tag #RUCOIN) [20 RUCOIN]
Instagram with the RUCOIN logo + tags (#RUCOIN or #RUCOIN Crowdinvest / #RUCOIN Crowdfunding) [20 RUCOIN]
5. AnimationRules:
The animation must be at least 30 seconds.
There must be original / unique work and be of acceptable quality.
Animation should be linked to RUCOIN ICO, the benefits of the Rewards Network
We are looking for participants who can create animations on the whiteboard (Whiteboard Animations), explanatory videos about RUCOIN ICO.
Distribution of Reward:Fill out the form and paste the link to your work:
ЗaпoлнитьInterest calculation:Animation duration - 30 seconds - 75 RUCOIN
Animation duration - from 30 seconds to 60 seconds - 125 RUCOIN
Animation duration more than 60 seconds - 250 RUCOIN
6.Telegram CampaignFill out the form and paste the link to your work
ЗaпoлнитьSubscribe to our main group in Telegram
https://t.me/ru_coin and chat RuCoin
https://t.me/joinchat/EvhVMwzvFBdY4ayXoUY12ASubscribe on Telegram/ru_coin – 1 RUCOIN
Limitations: Only one account for each user. Accepted users must be active participants in the Telegram groups and remain in the group until the end of the sale of the Rucoin token. Active positive participants are evaluated individually by the RuCoin team. For spam, offtopic and mate, any member of the group will be banned. Support:
bounty@rucoin.io @DSComplete