Everyone here will always tell you that they are making lots of money, even losers will tell you that they are making money too. Not everyone makes money from day–trading, there are people who never make anything and will end up losing almost all they have invested in day–trading.
But the thing is that as there are many losing their capital daily, there are also others who are utilizing their capital and making high profits by the end of the month. You just have to learn how to manage your risks and also have some strategies you use in trading.
Risk management is a very good way, but it is very difficult for new entrants to the market because they think they can make money more easily than others and do not have the exact trade strategy. And when they start losing money, they automatically find a way to manage risk and this is the best way to learn about it. When I first joined the market I lost a lot of money but then I knew how to manage my money