August 03, 2013, 03:42:39 AM |
I'm not sure what you mean by "legit". If you mean accepted by governments as a competing currency to fiat currency, the answer is no way. If they recognize it as a true currency, it will spell the end of the central banking fiasco. My guess is that the central banks might collude to create their own form of digital currency, but one that is centrally managed. However, I can see this backfiring as it will lend credibility to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. My best guess is that the U.S. government will declare it a commodity and have the CFTC make rules surrounding its use. And of course, if it is considered a commodity, any gain that comes from it (whether in USD or simply in the value the market places on it) will likely be subject to a tax on the appreciation. But how will this be enforced? I'm not sure it can be.