These scammers are taking some serious $$ from unsuspecting users here. I was just gonna let it go because I haven't posted in a while but the thought of people getting scammed burns me.
What is the ICO in question? What is your old (hacked) account?
If you want to protect the users here, you need to give us at least that piece of information.
I will post all info if one of the mods I pm'd doesn't get back to me.
I still need to get my wife to change all her passwords when she gets up in the morning (its 5am here). I've spent all night changing passwords.
He hacker deleted all references to BCT in my email so I'm pretty sure they copied all my pass info too.
They held onto it for a while I think.
PM me if you want the ICO. I'll be up for a few more min.
My proof is irrefutable. I just know they might retaliate. I need to secure my home network completely before that happens.