the text below prepared by mod team for new coming DeepSend press release
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What is DeepOnion DeepSend?
DeepSend was developed by DeepOnion and is a new blockchain privacy feature used to establish an anonymous link between the sender and the receiver of a transaction. The DeepOnion development team has put in a substantial amount of work on our flagship privacy feature.
The best part is there is no encryption, no cryptography, and no mixing pool required. Instead, 2-of-3 multi-sig addresses will be used.
What are a 2-of-3 multi-sig addresses ?
A 2-of-3 multi-sig address is when 2 signatures are sufficient to access the funds of a 3-signature address.
Below is an example of how a 2-of-3 multi-sig address works.
A user creates a 2-of-3 multi-sig address and stores each private key in a different location and device. If this user was to lose or get a device stolen, there is no way a thief could access the funds by using only 1 of the private keys. A phishing or hacking attack would also not be possible because if a laptop is compromised they would have access to only 1 single device and private key.
How does multi-sig work?
You can check the image below to see how a DeepSend transfer happens:
When a sender sends a coin using DeepSend it will use a randomly selected wallet hidden behind the Tor® anonymity network.
Tor network is a well-known privacy tool and a top standard for privacy seekers in the world.
The developers of DeepOnion insisted on starting with a solid privacy foundation to support future additions to the DeepOnion privacy ecosystem.