The root of the problem!
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Quote from: bitcoin_bug on July 08, 2011, 08:56:31 AM

But don't bring a knife to a gun fight .... and then praise the knife for being expertly crafted .... but inevitably not up to the job.

There is such a thing as bad money, good money, better money and best money and it is a technological continuum.

Cowrie shells and tally sticks are obviously past their use by date. Centrally issued fiat paper notes and their electronic ledgers representations are smelling pretty bad right about now too.

Again you are mislead by the words used ...
There is not such a thing that knife vs gun fight (they don't fight eachother). There is a man vs man fight ... one brings a gun the other brings a knife.
I think what you try to say is:
Bad USE of money, good USE of money, better USE of money etc ...
Inserting the word USE change our focus ... from the object used to the who use them and that is the road to fallow to solve the "fight problem".

Sorry that i insisted on the matter but this kind of misleading its too often used by our "chosen" politicians to fool us and i always try to make people to pay attention to this kind of misleading so they can protect themselves.


and you've completely and utterly missed the point (or twisted it your way, whichever)

not all monies are equal. It is a technological tool, some technologies are better than others, regardless of the men managing them.

Bitcoin is a modern fighter jet, the Fed. Res. US dollar is sopwith camel biplane era technology (1913).
Quote from: bitcoin_bug on July 08, 2011, 10:04:35 AM

and you've completely and utterly missed the point (or twisted it your way, whichever)

not all monies are equal. It is a technological tool, some technologies are better than others, regardless of the men managing them.

Bitcoin is a modern fighter jet, the Fed. Res. US dollar is sopwith camel biplane era technology (1913).

Now we can start to talk about who missed/twisted the point ... but that is out of my intention on this forum.
I'll try to be as clear as I can can:

Money = A medium that can be exchanged for goods and services and is used as a measure of their values on the market.
Market = A public gathering held for buying and selling merchandise.

From the definition Money can't be bad ... they can only be GOOD ... it makes the exchange easy (and in some cases possible).
There is a particular case when something goes wrong ... in a Market FOR Money in that cases the definitions become:

Money = A medium that can be exchanged for Money and is used as a measure of his value on the market.
Market = A public gathering held for buying and selling Money.

But that doesn't mean the the Money are BAD ...
Money can take various forms (silver coins, gold coins, copper coins, paper, digital ... etc)
Obviously there are forms that are more adapt for transaction in a specific environment:
I can't buy/sell goods/services with digital money in a place where electricity is not present (you will be surprised how many places in this world are where electricity is not available for daily private use;I can't buy a naval ship with silver coins for obvious reasons;
It will be hard (foolish) to buy Storage space on an online server using paper money (like putting them in an envelope and sending them with Fedex)
But, again, money are not a bad thing ... it's the form that I chosen is inappropriate for a specific context.

Of course, every day, new technologies are born and new contexts for transactions are created and that will lead to new forms of money ...


Okay, no such thing as bad money huh?

I've got some Zimbabwe dollars I'd like to sell you ... in ten years time that will be USD.

You can split hairs and do semantics all you like but at the inevitable point is that the broken/outdated technology (monetary information technology) has been revealed as such.

$200 billion in naked short treasury settlement failures for example.
Quote from: bitcoin_bug on July 08, 2011, 12:08:49 PM

Okay, no such thing as bad money huh?

I've got some Zimbabwe dollars I'd like to sell you ... in ten years time that will be USD.

You can split hairs and do semantics all you like but at the inevitable point is that the broken/outdated technology (monetary information technology) has been revealed as such.

$200 billion in naked short treasury settlement failures for example.

I have a better idea ... go make same goods/services exchange with BitCoins in Zimbabwe (
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