The root of the problem!
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Guys my original point was that debt based fiat currency that has to continually increase and is monopolized by a small elite via government enforcement is what is causing all the problems. Satoshi probably never seriously thought things would reach this level and I agree he may have been experimenting but he did want to create something without the current currencies properties.
Quote from: Sjalq on July 08, 2011, 12:30:24 PM

Guys my original point was that debt based fiat currency that has to continually increase and is monopolized by a small elite via government enforcement is what is causing all the problems.

If you add to that causes: "current society values" i totally agree!

Quote from: Sjalq on July 08, 2011, 12:30:24 PM

Satoshi probably never seriously thought things would reach this level and I agree he may have been experimenting but he did want to create something without the current currencies properties.

I don't have the smallest clue about the intentions of Satoshi.
Till now all i can say is that he brilliantly mixed 3 widely known (and even old from the IT point of view) technologies to solve the "centralized third-party authority" problem.
But I hope for the best! ;D
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