Whenever i click this "Show new replies to your posts. [1]" it shows me the posts that ever commented when i was a newbie, it creates quite a confusion and i often miss the important posts and i get abundance of threads after clicking [1].
I want that when i am over with a thread in which i commented ever should not appear i this [1].
any ways, tweaks?
You can try to use "Watchlist" instead of "Show new replies to your posts". As I know, it's possible to customize Watchlist by your needs (never tried to do that because I'm more comfortable with [1])
You will always see new replies to ALL threads where you have posted on [1] and there is no way to change it. I just sometimes click "mark all messages as read" after I see too many topics in which I'm not interested anymore. While on watchlist you can just unfollow topic.