Are there any precedents for this kind of case? I would definitely like to know if this has happened before and what the court ruled in those cases.
It does seem like Giga Watt is completely in the wrong here, I mean they haven't even issued tokens after a whole year?
The plaintiffs claim to have contributed around $20 million in cryptocurrency to the Giga Watt ICO last summer. That cryptocurrency is now worth five times as much, but investors have nothing to show for it: no crypto, no Giga Watt tokens, and none of the mining equipment that was meant to be supplied.
On the other hand, these people should have known what they were getting into. It's kinda useless to complain now just because 'cryptocurrencies' have increased in value, sounds pretty pathetic tbh.
Plenty have had legal troubles and many are in the process right now.
Go have a chat with Ripple inc. about FiNCEN

Or search the Altcoin section for similar pending legal cases with ICO's.
And recall me talking about the SEC investor fraud alert about "crypto currencies" that mentioned this very scam ridden forum ?
You should i post about it lots since it was released and screen capped it and posted the link to the PDF.
You know you all go deaf and blind and dumb when bad news comes out.
Like Egypt banning Bitcoin for example.
Or.. you bend over backwards with verbal gymnastics and creative shill work to make it seem like good news.
By the way..
Microsoft dropped accepting Bitcoin for the same reasons Valve did with Steam.
Great news right ?

Plenty more to come greedy investards and I'm gonna love it