Just another addition to our ignore list. Like Merrill lynch banned crypto investment using their network, similar way, we also need to start moving our business to elsewhere. I am actually not surprised by this step and more banks will be added to this list sooner or later. Whenever one door closes, many doors open up. So the more banks join this ban list, more new opportunities will open up and more new businesses will start to help us moving our money to crypto market. So just ignore Merrill lynch for now, it won't have any impact on bitcoin price for sure, especially when it started to recover.
There should be a list of bitcoin friendly and not friendly banks somewhere. Or at least a thread about it, maybe in the local threads where people can share their experience about the banks in their country if they are accepting bitcoin related wire transfers or not. Nowdays I can hear news about returned wire transfers to exchanges from various banks, it could be really helpful for people to check if their bank is restricting the wire transfers from the exhanges or not.