I built my PC 3 years ago and these are the specs
Ram- 8GB
GPU - Sapphire Rx 470 (Added a year ago - Replaced)
Motherboard: ASRock H97M Pro4
PSU - Corsair VS550
I fryed my PC a year ago

, just using some adapters and testing something and got it all replaced under warranty.
PSU, GPU,Motherboard,HDD are replaced a year ago... Processor/ram is 3 years old only.
I bought it for gaming but mostly play games on my ps4 so thinking to turn it into mining machine.
I mod my graphics card few days ago and it is giving me around 24-27Mh/s (Ethash) and 650h/s(Cryptonight)
My CPU alone giving me 250+h/s (cryptonight)
I mined Total - 300+ ETN,2-3 Sumocoins and 30-40 Musicoin
Just testing out mining as of now...
I was thinking of adding few more GPU but only 2 GPU slots in motherboard
My questions are
1.I was thinking of adding 1 more GPU (rx580) and not sure if my PSU can handle it, will it able to handle it or is it a bad power supply for 2 GPU's?
2. There is a converter to convert 1 PCIE to 4
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/NEW-aad-in-card-PCIe-1-to-4-PCI-express-16X-slots-Riser-Card-PCI-E/32812873421.htmlso not sure if this converter is a good idea or it will fry GPU/Motherboard/PSU(I know I have to upgrade my PSU for more graphics card) ,my PC is no longer in Warranty so don't wanna take risk this time using this adapter...
What do you think of this converter?
What I was thinking is I have 4 options in my budget
a . use this converter to add total of 5 rx580 and buying a new PSU only if this converter is actually good... (Cheapest solution)
b . If I have to buy motherboard too instead of this converter then I was thinking to let it 2 GPU PC(if My current PSU supports 2 cards) and built new mining PC with 3-4 graphics card.( This will let me mine 2 different coins on my machines)
c . If my PSU doesn't support 2 card then will buy new PSU Which supports 2 cards and built a new PC with 2-3 GPU's .(This will also let me mine 2 different coins) and two PSU is cheaper than one high wattage PSU
d . Built new PC with 3-5 GPU's(Depends on the price) and move my old rx 470 to new machine and forget about my current PC...
So my question is What do you think is the best option or any other options?