I can fund $500 via bitcoin or paypal
what is your interest and can you do litecoins? fees are cheaper
I can do LTC but payment will be basedbtc (ie .02 btc worth of ltc)
5% with proper collateral (120% TRON)
Tron will be sold if value drops below 110% of loan amount but you can aways add more.
Escrow is fine if you pay fees.
this man deceived me, he is engaged in deception !!! swindler !!!
Quote from: WritingG123 on 05 January 2018, 22:48:26
https://blockchain.info/ru/tx/c4181ef7a19d237f6c9b953548a6b84c28d9f52ec5039a9123ef23c372295772I speeded up the transaction !!! Without prepayment, and that's what a man wrote!
Hi! Please provide proof first
I submitted many accelerators, please prove it accelerated through you.
11:42:28 PM
2 other people also asking tip lol
He spoke everywhere, no one could help him. I did, and now such gratitude.