Grondilu I can host the share market for you if would like to contribute.
Ok, thanks. The code is on
Clients will also have to download bc_key.c, a C program to export bitcoin private keys from the wallet into a PEM openssl format.
It's on the plateform requires the following files :
* : a set of bash functions to manipulate bitcoin address (pretty much a translation of base58.c in Satoshi's code). Normally nobody needs to use that directly. It is just used by other files.
* : a shell script that uses bc_key to sign any document using a bitcoin address (only clients need that, not the server)
* brokerage.cgi : the main CGI script, which allow a client to transfer some amount of some asset from a bitcoin address to an other
* brokerage.csv : the full transaction list (which can easily be aggregated in a spreadsheet to determin current balances)
* brokerage.tar : an archive which contains public bitcoin keys, signatures for each transaction, and documents describing assets