Noob here. Excuse the ignorance. I have a few questions if you don't mind answering.
1. If I have a few alts that I already know I want to roll the dice and HODL for long term. Sink or swim. Should I transfer to a private wallet? As opposed to leaving on the exchange? Does it make a difference and how?
2. When trading alts is it wiser to buy say ETH over BTC first due to the extreme swings in BTC? I just know I have got caught in a BTC meltdown waiting on BTC to be transferred to the exchange and of course lost value in that transfer time. Just curious how you all thwart this.
3. And I want to be sure I am fully understanding this properly. Let's say I purchase BTC at $14,000 USDT. I then transfer that BTC to exchange to purchase ALTS. I purchase $14,000 in alts lets say for ease of math purposes. Let's now say BTC goes to $13,000 and my alt goes to $15,000 and I cash out of both the alt and BTC. Did I just break even? I know this may sound like a very dumb question lol but I am just wanting make sure I fully understand what I am doing here. So go easy on the replies please.