Thanks for all the info guys.
Has anybody made a transfer of 100k $ to bitstamp? Is anything special necessary for the procedure?
Would this be to risky or is there any better alternative to buy a large amount of btc?
Thanks again.
I made large transfers in and out, the only thing is when you trigger AML alarm they ask you to answer 6 questions when you do it will take a couple of days to verify the answers then you are good.
How exactly is AML triggered?
I sent you a PM about the questions, but for other users, you will have to answer the 6 question so they understand the origin of the funds and your relation with Bitstamp, I found bitstamp to be one of the best exchange implementing anti money laundering laws, so honestly answer the questions because it is the only way you get your money credited fast:
first kind:We kindly ask you to send us a high resolution image double page of your international passport and answer the following KYC questionnaire:
1. How did you learn about Bitcoin?
2. What is the purpose of your trading on Bitstamp? Please describe in as much detail as possible how you intend to use your trading account.
3. Which bank are you using? Please provide the complete address and SWIFT code.
4. Estimated amount that you would be depositing/withdrawing to/from your Bitstamp account per month (in USD and BTC)?
5. What type of trading will you conduct? Buying/selling/both? Estimated trade volume per month?
6. What is the source of the funds which you are depositing to your Bitstamp account? Please provide any financial documentation which can confirm how the funds sent to your Bitstamp account were acquired.
We kindly ask you to submit your answers and documents in a reply to this ticket.
second kind:We kindly ask you to answer the following KYC questionnaire:
1. How did you learn about Bitcoin?
2. The purpose of trading on Bitstamp?
3. What is the origin of the deposited Bitcoins? If mining, please specify your hardware specifications and submit a receipt or an invoice for your mining equipment.
4. When and how did you obtain your Bitcoins?
5. What is the reason for your activity - depositing BTC, selling, withdrawing?
6. What are your future plans and activities planned on our exchange?
7. Do you plan more of such withdrawals in the future? If yes, how many and why?
8. Which bank are you using? Please provide the complete address and SWIFT code.
We kindly ask you to submit your answers and documents in a reply to this ticket