How in the world will HashFast or Cointerra or even BitFury's October delivery ever be profitable?
This should be extended to include
all ASIC hardware that hasn't yet been deployed. Assuming that a large portion of these up and comers manage to ship, I wouldn't be surprised if nary a machine made a positive ROI in any (bitcoin) respectable time frame.
I'm sitting here with an itchy trigger finger trying to take in the facts and place my bets. As far as I can tell, at this point in time, every single (purchase) option is a loser. Things are about to get extremely ugly, I'm just thankful that this whole thing has largely been a shit show of failure for the last year and that I never sold off my GPU farm.
Will Avalon's 55nm Gen 2 chips be priced out of the market before they ship?
Heh, I'm not placing much (if any) faith in Yifu these days, if I hear something from ngzhang I'll be more inclined to take statements at face value. I see no reason that they couldn't sell their chips within the bounds of the market, it all depends on how greedy
they are.
Who are the sheep that are still placing orders with BFL?
Newcomers who are getting sucked in by their marketing BS.