That got your attention.. and its true.. I am.. I created a post on facebook and offered anyone who posts their bitcoin address on my facebook page to get sent FREE BITCOINS!!
Obviously I don't want to give my bitcoins away for free... But I have been thinking of an effective method to use facebook to promote the bitcoin project. So I decided to use some of my bitcoins to give back to this community in the form of promotion. I love this community and promoting it is the least I can do.
I started my post by linking to the Rocketboom video ( where Molly gives a fair overview of what bitcoins are... I also considered using the video from
I named my Facebook post: "I am giving away bitcoins! FOR FREE!!"
Here is the the contents of my Facebook Post.
Step #1 Install Bitcoin #2 Post the address to send the coins to on my Facebook Page.
Step #3 I send you BTC (bitcoins) !!!
Payouts = 2BTC, 1BTC, .50BTC, .25BTC Etc... Everyone who posts gets bitcoins!
IMPORTANT: If you accept the coins, and don't understand what they are for... I will buy them back from you for $10 each!!!!
This whole experiment will not cost me more than 4 bitcoins total or $40.. no matter how many of my friends respond to my offer.
I have a few hundred facebook connections.. and only a few of them even know what a bitcoin is... It's kinda sad.
I'm actually kicking myself for not starting the first payout a little bit higher than 2... I think 3, 4, or 5 would have even more impact.
This could have a huge impact on the number of bitcoin users if other forum members did this also... If 5 people take me up on my offer.. I think those people will be hooked.
Why would someone offer to give something away for FREE, and then offer to purchase it back for $10?? It defies logic!
If everyone who uses facebook did this... do you think it would have a positive effect on bitcoin? I do!