It looks like the Utah couple filming their life on Bitcoin is 3 weeks into their 90 day experiment and they are not doing all that great. restaurant in their town is willing to accept bitcoins but the owner does not have a smart phone or wifi. And the couple has not yet been able to get a cell phone data plan to use to pay for things with bitcoin on their phones.
At least the price has been fairly stable. Unlike when Kashmir Hill was doing it for a week and the price dropped from $130s to low $90s.
I guess I should add these quick items about their project:
Is this a "fund my life" project?
A lot of people are misunderstanding what this project is about. The Kickstarter funds are going to fund a professional crew to film the feature length documentary. Beccy and I both have very successful professional lives. We have absolutely no need to live on bitcoin or get a free vacation. We will continue our day jobs. Taking on this documentary was a hard decision for us. We’re adding a a lot of work to our already busy lives. Good documentary films cost money, for filming, editing, expensive gear, and more. We’re doing this Kickstarter project to fund the film crew that will follow us for 3 months, then edit for months more making a professional documentary film.
1. Kickstarter funds will be used for production costs, filmmakers, post production, Kickstarter's 5% commission, the credit card transaction fees and the cost of the rewards. Kickstarter funds are not being used for our living expenses!
2. Credit cards, debit cards, and cash will all be confiscated at the airport upon returning from our honeymoon and arrival in Utah. Cell phones will also be revoked. New cell phones and minutes will need to be purchase with bitcoin.
3. All transactions for the following 90 days will be accomplished using bitcoin as the medium of exchange. Exceptions include taxes and medical emergencies.
4. Beccy and Austin will minimize participants in any transaction, ultimately reducing the parties to the bare minimum of buyer, seller, and the blockchain verification.
5. All attempts at direct exchange will be made. Intermediaries are permitted only after attempts for direct exchange have been thoroughly exhausted.
6. Friends and family will not be party to exchanges, unless they have commercial businesses, with which Beccy and Austin can exchange.
7. If we sell stuff or do contract work, we will need to be paid in bitcoin. Every attempt will be made to receive payments in bitcoin for any goods sold or services rendered.
8. The experiment will progress in a “bigger and better” style, finding the practical limits of bitcoin as a currency. If Beccy and Austin can accomplish a task easily, they then will accomplish the same kind of task at a larger scale. If they can travel to Salt Lake City with ease, can they travel to another state? Or another country? If they can order food at home with ease, can they get food at a restaurant just as easily? Can they get fresh produce?
9. All relevant experiences and learning will be shared across social media platforms, including at least a daily YouTube vlog, facebook posts, tweets, and Instagram photos, and expense logs.
EXEMPTIONS: Taxes, emergency medical expenses, existing debts such as student loan payments or credit card payments.