We are giving away 50 KickCoin tokens to top 10 referrers of the contest.
To participate in the contest:
1. You must join
https://t.me/Crypto_India 2. Subscribe to
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC88lY8yJtedk2qw4BWpjlNw/After that invite members to the telegram group (1 stake per invitation) and ask them to subscribe to our Youtube channel (1 stake per invitation).
Once the above activity is done, please submit teh form.
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdZSLiv1ANm42tEhdef9kZqfzdG0KEFsQASyF0fFw3s5UIcgA/viewform?c=0&w=1&usp=mail_form_linkNote that you have to submit separately for every referrals. So there will be multiple form submission.
Top 10 participants at the end of 24 hours will get 50 KickCoins each. You need to submit the form each time for every invitation.
You can post your submission here as well. We will check and confirm your submission.