tunecrypto - Yesterday at 12:10 AM
@everyone Here is new TUNE wallet. solved all problems.
Please update wallet before 20K block.
Anyone use this wallet.
Who started Mn before 10K block can restart it by 1000 TUNE
(but txid was made before 10K can only run a Masternode with 1000 TUNE
don't move (send) you TUNE (1000 or 1500). The start logic check when txid made )
Who started Mn before 20K block can restart it by 1500 TUNE
(you don't need to restart it now. If it is running well, just leave them. this means you can restart if your masternode expired)
From 20K block, Mn price is 2000 TUNE
there are no need to addnode for sync, but if you add, your speed will go up.
If you have any problem to install this, go to tunecore (cd %appdata%/tunecore)
and delete all files except wallet.dat, tune.conf, masternode.conf
and restart the wallet
(Don't delete wallet.dat!! you will lose all your TUNE)
We found some hotnode works not perfectly. We will check the code. but until we done this, please use coldnode way.
Thank you.
some q&a.. new wallet is not mandatory. if all working fine you dont need to update. but I recommend it because some problom can be happen by inconsistency
why version is same? because we not changed yet. don't consider it. we will update soon .
How we restart old masternode? don't move your tune. it check when your txid made. just use "masternode outputs" now you can see all outputs (By 1000 TUNE and 1500 TUNE) and configure you masternode.conf , and start by masternode start-alias xx