hybridsole (OP)
January 16, 2018, 06:34:32 PM Last edit: January 18, 2018, 02:09:49 AM by hybridsole |
Encyclopedia of Physical Bitcoins Reference Thread Last Updated: January 17, 2018This post is intended to contain information about all versions of the Encyclopedia of Physical Bitcoins. Authors: Elias Ahonen, Foreword by Matthew J. Rippon PHD, Edited by Howard Kesselman Website: https://coinfirm.org/
1st Edition Paperback  1st Edition Paperback - Special Edition First Print- Numbered 1-100*
- Signed by Elias Ahonen, Author
- Original cost 70 GBP (April 2016)
* 25 of these are Collectors Signature Editions Image credit: minerjones Image credit: wttbs 1st Edition Paperback - Collectors Signature Edition- Numbered 1-25
- Additionally Numbered 1-100 as First Print Edition
- Signed by Mike Caldwell, creator of Casascius Physical Bitcoin*
- Signed by Elias Ahonen, Author
- Signed by Matthew Rippon, Co-Author
- Signed by Howard Kesselman, Editor
- Includes a hologram with a private key inside, allowing the books to function as paper wallets.
- Offered only to those who pre-ordered the book in advance.
- Original cost 140 GBP (April 2016)
* Only version of Encyclopedia sold containing signature of Mike Caldwell Image credit: minerjones Image credit: blaater Image credit: biggzi
Revised Edition Hardcover Note: The first ~50 of the revised hardcover edition did contain an error. A glitch in the publishing software caused two of Elias' personal vacation photo's to be used in place of the Cryptolator Unchained Silver 1 BTC. The images can be seen on page 38 and 150. A second revised edition of the book was released which contained an extra page which described some of these errors. Source: https://wiki.coin.community/wiki/Encyclopedia_of_Physical_Bitcoins_and_Crypto-Currencies  Revised Edition Hardcover - Autograph Edition- Numbered 1-20
- Signed by 31 coin makers and the author
- Contains 24 coin maker holograms
- Includes unique doodle by BitcoinPenny; Defcoin Poker Chip
- COA with hologram and signed by Howard Kesselman
- Original cost starting at $1,000 (June 2016)
Image credit: minerjones Image credit: bithalo Image credit: minerjones Revised Edition Hardcover - Makers Edition- Reserved for coin makers who participated in the Autograph Edition
- 35 copies were reserved, however only 19 were claimed
- Out of 19 claimed, 16 were Premium Color Editions
- Out of 16 Premium Color Editions, 9 were assembled
- Out of 3 Regular Editions, 2 were assembled
Image credit: blazed
Autograph Sets for the Encyclopedia of Physical Bitcoins- Released: December 2016
- 50 sets produced in total (for Autograph Edition and Makers Edition Hardcover). Of these, 14 loose sets were made available (10 sets sold direct, 4 sets reserved for auctions)
- Signed by 31 coin makers and the author
- Contains 24 coin maker holograms
- Includes unique doodle by BitcoinPenny; Defcoin Poker Chip
- COA with hologram and signed by Howard Kesselman
- Pricing at 0.30 BTC per loose set
- Black leather album offered for $15 extra
- Sales Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1717024.0
Image credit: bithalo Image credit: bithalo
Cypher Hodl LLC
Activity: 2800
Merit: 3737
The Stone the masons rejected was the cornerstone.
January 16, 2018, 06:39:30 PM |
This is an awesome reference! Thanks Hybridsole.
It will definitely answer any questions of how many were issued and under what format too.
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Activity: 1806
Merit: 1164
January 16, 2018, 07:28:49 PM |
Thanks for this! This thread deserves to be stickied IMO for ready reference. How about it?
Activity: 2954
Merit: 1072
January 16, 2018, 08:14:49 PM |
Awesome reference hybridsole, I will be bookmarking it and watching for updates. 
Activity: 1470
Merit: 1017
Star Wars Ep. 9 is here
January 16, 2018, 09:23:38 PM |
Thank you hybridsole. Nice job.
Activity: 2492
Merit: 1491
LEALANA Bitcoin Grim Reaper
January 17, 2018, 10:17:15 AM |
* Only version of Encyclopedia containing signature of Mike Caldwell

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| . ★☆ WWW.LEALANA.COM My PGP fingerprint is A764D833. History of Monero development Visualization ★☆ . LEALANA BITCOIN GRIM REAPER SILVER COINS. |
hybridsole (OP)
January 17, 2018, 04:12:22 PM |
Hey smoothie, Welcome back  Are you suggesting that I remove the note about only the Paperback Collectors Signature Edition having Mike's signature? Or is that a special version that you have there. My understanding is that the hardcover autograph editions did not have Mike's signature (which was done as a way to reward early supporters of the paperback).
Activity: 1470
Merit: 1017
Star Wars Ep. 9 is here
January 17, 2018, 06:04:57 PM |
Hey smoothie, Welcome back  Are you suggesting that I remove the note about only the Paperback Collectors Signature Edition having Mike's signature? Or is that a special version that you have there. My understanding is that the hardcover autograph editions did not have Mike's signature (which was done as a way to reward early supporters of the paperback). The hardcovers nor the loose label sets had Mike’s signature that I provided. You’re correct. I didn’t want to cannabalize the softcover Signature Edition. I wanted to keep that one special by having Mike’s signature only there. I’m guessing smoothie asked Mike to sign his book.
hybridsole (OP)
January 17, 2018, 06:24:43 PM |
Thanks bithalo. Went ahead and updated it to say "Only version of Encyclopedia sold containing signature of Mike Caldwell".
January 17, 2018, 11:08:01 PM |
Great work putting this together. The only thing that I noticed that's missing is the Error Revised Edition Hardcover. There were ~50 of the first hardcover books printed with the wrong images. Not sure if these deserve their own "edition" or just as a note under the hardcover one, but the collection wouldn't be complete without them. 
hybridsole (OP)
January 18, 2018, 01:35:30 AM |
Hox - I added a note under the hardcover section pointing this out. Do you know how many images were incorrect, or if there are other identifying marks that separates these from the non-error versions?
January 18, 2018, 01:53:56 AM |
Hox - I added a note under the hardcover section pointing this out. Do you know how many images were incorrect, or if there are other identifying marks that separates these from the non-error versions?
As far as I know those two images are the only wrong ones, however they are used on two pages, 150 and 38. There are some more images and info here: https://wiki.coin.community/wiki/Encyclopedia_of_Physical_Bitcoins_and_Crypto-Currencies
January 18, 2018, 06:39:21 AM |
What's the going rate for the Collectors Signature Edition?
Activity: 1252
Merit: 1259
January 18, 2018, 12:31:06 PM |
Great work Hybrid :-)
Sr. Member
Activity: 2167
Merit: 420
Cryptoshi Blockomoto
January 18, 2018, 12:56:51 PM |
I have a copy of the "Error Revised Edition Hardcover" and I can confirm that the above are correct. I am not sure what else is different compared to the non-error editions, since I only have the error version. However, If you would like me to check anything else, just ask.
Activity: 1401
Merit: 1143
The Cryptonumist
October 13, 2018, 01:15:14 AM |
New book: BLOCKLAND: 21 Stories of Bitcoin, Blockchain, and Cryptocurrency www.cryptonumist.com/blocklandAuthor of Encyclopedia of Physical Bitcoins and Crypto-Currencies. View a free sample and Buy the book at https://cryptonumist.comTo prevent hacks, DO NOT send me BTC above $300 value before first emailing coins@cryptonumist.com to confirm. Beware of scammers on Telegram/Instagram etc.