Can you describe the process in a plainer way, like to a redneck. It appears that 3 equal inputs ended up in one of the input addresses. It solved the unequal contribution issue but from where does the external coin flip/lottery component comes from?
I can try... but it is a little tricky, so it may take a few attempts before we get a great description.
Two people each bet 1 coin, commit to random numbers, and also post an additional 1 coin security deposit. When they both reveal their committed random numbers, the numbers are xor'ed and one of them is chosen as a winner, and gets both coins, and both players get their security deposit back. The only tricky thing is that you need some way to make sure both players actually *do* reveal their random number, rather than just disappearing. This is why the security deposit is important - the *only* way to get your security deposit back is to reveal your random number and finish the game - if you don't do this, the other player gets the security deposit *and* the prize.
How was that? Clear?