Nice to read a negative article that gets the facts right, even if it's completely alarmist and contains a totally unsubstantiated prediction (that Bitcoin won't be widely adopted), after listing all the reasons why it's so well-designed and has been so successful so far.
I actually agree with the author on Bitcoin's potential to disrupt at a deep level the political and social status quo, except I disagree that this is a bad thing. Sure, there will be chaos -- growing pains. We'll all be better off in the long term. Except the Bilderberg Group that is...
Thanks for reading it for me, I hate to give HuffPo any clicks for their mediocre articles. Most of them tend to be "linkbait" anyway.
I am involved in bitcoin for that very reason, that the disruptive nature of it will finally allow the "little guy" to clawback some freedom that we lost a long time ago.